HSA's Mission, Vision, & Values

The Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency is guided by the following vision, mission and values with the following agency strategic plan focus areas and goals.

Santa Cruz County is a healthy, safe and thriving community for all.

HSA's 2025 Strategic Plan


  • Organizational Culture - A supportive organizational culture provides the social and psychological conditions that optimize employee pride, well-being, health and safety.
  • Operational Excellence - A workplace where every person at every level of the organization is effectively working together with a clear purpose towards our common vision.
  • Community Collaboration - By collaborating to promote community health and wellness, we work together with employees, clients, partners, and the community to create a healthy, safe and thriving place for people to live, work and play. 


  • Workforce Development - Create a premiere workplace that fosters an equitable, stable and highly competent workforce.
  • Employee Wellbeing - Strengthen organizational resiliency by optimizing employee well-being, safety, and quality of life.
  • Reflective Workforce - Create a workforce that reflects the diversity of the community.
  • Continuous Process Improvement - Strengthen systems through continuous process improvements.
  • Financial Resilience - Create fiscally sustainable systems that support operational services and growth.
  • Equity in Program Resources - Maximize equity in division and program resources, support and technology.
  • Public Awareness - Increase public awareness to empower our community to address key health and environmental issues.
  • Access to Health and Wellbeing - Maximize access to services to improve health and wellbeing.
  • Promote Equity - Normalize health equity, resiliency, and environmental stewardship for current and future residents.

In August 2020, the County Board of Supervisors declared Racism as a Public Health Crisis. HSA recognizes the health inequities driven by racism, which limits our ability to be a safe, healthy and thriving community. As part of this declaration, HSA has become a member of the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) – a national network of government agencies working to achieve racial equity and advance opportunities for all. 

HSA 2025 Strategic Plan